
Here’s a quick look at a few older projects I’ve worked on. I’ve got plenty of current examples across a wider array of industries that I’d be happy to discuss in person. Most of these are password protected, which I readily provide to anyone curious (contact me on the form below for the password).

Restaurant Point of Sales Research

When a non-US client wanted to learn everything about the Point of Sale market in America, we went further down the research rabbit hole than many agencies would go. The results were a solid set of money saving recommendations and pathways forward to compete against some deeply entrenched corporations.

Bubble Tea contextual inquiry

EbayInc website redesign

In the spring of 2015, eBay and Paypal (which had previously merged in 1998) reverted back to two separate corporate entities. This corporate divorce necessitated the redesign of the existing eBayinc website.

Stock Market Sentiment Gamification

How Might We use gamification to validate assumptions about what factors institutional investors feel will move a companies stock price?

Credit Card Dashboard

What do you do with a credit card payment dashboard in sore need of a design refresh? A lot of research, facilitation, design thinking and testing.

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